Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Judge not, that ye be not judged

What is the secret to not judging people? So many times I get my feelings hurt because I miss judge someones words or actions towards me*. Sometimes I think unfair things about people and then I find out where the person is coming from or their whole story and I feel terrible. I don't like judging people, but I don't know how to not jump to those automatic conclusions.
Do you have any secrets to being good at giving everyone the benefit of the doubt? To first seek to understand and then to be understood? This is one of those things that I really need to work on to be more like my Savior.

*It could be pregnancy hormones that are making me extra sensative to these things right now :)


jess said...

I'm sorry I don't know the secret, but I'm sure prayer would be the first step. Pray for understanding when your feelings are hurt. Or focus on their qualities that you admire.

Pedey @ Do You Smell That!!? said...

I could use some help in this one, too. A lot of times I DO know the back-story & it's still hard to not get flustered or grumpy about things. (((HUGS))) The fact that you're aware of it & wanting to work on it says a lot about you.

Jen said...
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Jen said...

Sorry, no secret. :( I think this comes easier to some people than others.

I do try to remind myself of the saying: "Be Kind, For Everyone You Meet Is Fighting A Hard Battle". It's really the truth.