Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.

This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat. What a hype. Groundhog Day used to mean something in this town. They used to pull the hog out, and they used to eat it. You're hypocrites, all of you!

Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson: I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson: got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson: I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times until you told me not to anymore? Well?

Did he actually refer to himself as "the talent"?

People just don't understand what is involved in this. This an art-form! You know, I think that most people just think that I hold a camera and point at stuff, but there is a *heck* of a lot more to it than just that.

He's the fastest jack in Jefferson County!

Winter, slumbering in the open air, wears on its smiling face a dream... of spring. Ciao

I'm betting he's going to swerve first.


Wendy said...

:) I've been loving your tweets all day too!

Allie and Fam said...

This is why I love you so much!!!!