Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nic Starts Law School!

Nic started law school this week! He went through a week of orientation and then his actual classes start next week. We already had our first Saturday of him reading all day :). They had a swearing in ceremony for all of the 1L's (that's what they call the first year law students). I thought it was interesting to see what a variety of people were in his class. 44% are woman, and the ages range from 21 to 52! The swearing in ceremony was really neat and I couldn't help but think how lucky we are for Nic to have this opportunity. I know it will be really hard, but it will be worth it for Nic. Here are some pictures of the swearing in ceremony...

Here is a picture of Nic's $700 books!


Kevin said...

Hey ash!! Wow, how neat is it that Nic is in Law School now! Reading your post made me really excited for Kevin when he gets to that point. I bet you were so proud of him at the ceremony! Anything that is worth is hard work, and you guys are going to be just great!

Lindsay said...

That is awesome!! Good luck!

Allie and Fam said...

Congrats and good luck to you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your husband Ashley! That must be so exciting one chapter ending and another just beginning....yay! Best of luck to him!