Friday, May 9, 2008

Got my spurs!

I had my fourth riding lesson on Thursday and I love it more and more everytime I go! I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but my trainer rides on my horse with me for my lessons. That way she can tell me anything I am doing wrong. Up until last week my trainer controlled the reins and I was being trained on how to hold my body and ride corrrectly. On Thursday I had to take the reins and start controlling the horse myself. I was amazed at how much harder it is to control yourself AND the horse. My trainer told me that I needed to get spurs on my boots so that Hawk (the horse I train on) will move into a trot or canter when I need him to. As of right now, I kick him and he doesn't even move :). SO, here are my new spurs!! I will keep you posted with everything I am learning.

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