Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gibson Christmas Charm Dishes

I have wanted Christmas dishes forever. Scratch that, I have really wanted Christmas china. There are lots of cutesy Christmas patterns, but true to my personality, I wanted something more formal. I knew it would probably be a couple of years until I could afford a nice set. I still don't even have regular china... maybe someday. Anyway, last week at D.I. (Deseret Industries, our local thrift store that is amazing) I showed Nic a set of 4 that I liked. Although he wasn't against me getting them, he did point out that I would not have enough settings to have anyone over. So I decided to just keep my eyes open.
Yesterday I went browsing DI like I love to do frequently. In all actuality I could devote an entire blog to the amazing finds I have found there.Anyway, I spotted these gorgeous dishes in the Christmas section:
Do you see that sticker price? I will come back to that.
These dishes are gorgeous! They are exactly what I would buy if I could buy them brand new. They have a beautiful gold ring on the outside and the perfect holly berries I have always wanted.
My mom has always had Christmas dishes. We would actually eat Thanksgiving dinner on them and then use them for the month of December. I have fond memories of drinking eggnog out of the holly goblets.
So at DI I found 19 plates, 16 bowls, and one platter. I was so thrilled! I could actually host a Christmas dinner now. I immediately hopped online when I got home to see if I could complete my set off eBay or somewhere similar. Well in doing by research I found out that this pattern has been discontinued and that they sell for about $12 per plate on eBay. A full set is around $250. The platter, gravy boat, and casserole dish are all $50-$150 a piece. So good and bad news there. They are more valuable then I thought. I paid 50 cents a piece for them and they are flawless. I only wish it was more affordable to complete my set.
So, if you ever see Gibson "Christmas Charm" dishes let me know! I want salad plates and what I listed above (platters, gravy boat, casserole dish, etc) In the meantime I will start planning my holiday parties to use these dishes. I am so excited!


Anna Heywood said...

What a great find! These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I just picked up a set of these (20-piece/4 person dish set) and a completer set (serving plate, serving bowl, creamer, and sugar bwol with lid) at my local grocery store here in Nova Scotia for $20 each.

I hopped online to see about picking up maybe a larger serving platter or some more bowls, and was shocked to see the same set used on ebay for like $180 plus another $130 shipping. Now, thanks to your post (and thanks for mentioning the pattern name, by the way) I'm thinking my impulse to pick up a second set so I can host visitors (as there's already four of us) should absolutely be followed up on as soon as possible. $10 each for a dinner plate!!D:

I too have been wanting a decent set of holiday china forever but the main thing that was stopping me before now was that all the sets I found in stores had mugs instead of tea cups, and I'm old-fashioned enough to want proper tea cups. Mugs just aren't formal. So when I saw these for $20 each I couldn't resist. Think I'll call the store up and have them set me aside another set RIGHT NOW.

Momof4boys said...

You're not going to believe this, but my husband found these dishes at a garage sale the summer. Would you believe! Eight place settings new in the boxes with many serving pieces - all for only $20.00. I cannot wait to use them during the upcoming holiday season!

HeartsAfire said...

Well.....I might have found the best deal of all! Yesterday at Goodwill, I found a gorgeous set of 47 pieces of this dinnerware...for $17! (I usually would wait until "Senior Discount Tuesday" for such a "big" price tag, but I knew these wouldn't last!). To top it off, they're in china storage bags. In addition to eight 5-piece place settings, it had a platter, salt & pepper, 2 serving bowls...and I haven't discovered what the other 2 pieces are yet.

Happy for y'all and happy for me!!