Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Baby Time (sorry for the novel)

We went to the doctor's today. We had a non stress test done along with an ultrasound. The baby is estimated at 9lbs 13oz (that can be off by 20%) and my fluid levels were still very high. Our plan was to let the baby come on her own when she was ready, however my doctor has a lot of concerns with the high fluid levels. I guess there are a lot of complications that can come from that. So because we know the baby is a healthy size and we are so close to my due date, we are going to go ahead and get induced tomorrow night. According to my doctor it is a lot safer to be induced with this condition then risk having your water break on your own away from the hospital.

We have been waiting for Brooklyn for so long, it's hard to believe that the time has come for her to become a part of our family. I have been so emotional today. I am beyond grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have children. What a wonderful experience it is to be a partner with him in this incredible journey. Sam seems so little to me, I can't believe we are already having our second child. I am so excited for her to be a big sister. I am so nervous about how I can give each child equal love and attention. I am excited to hold another precious newborn in my arms. I don't know if I am ready to do this all again, but I sure am excited to finally meet our baby girl.

 We have decided on the name Brooklyn Faith Mills. Yes, I love Faith Hill, but it's not after her (although an added bonus). The decision to have Brooklyn, along with her entire pregnancy, has been a very faith building experience for us. We wanted to remember this special time of our lives by including that in her name. I did not feel ready to have a second child, but I felt very strongly last summer that it was time. At the time Nic had just graduated and he didn't have a job yet. I felt like the timing was horrible. Our future was so unsure. Then, we got pregnant and found out we were having twins. I went through so many roller coasters of emotions through the process of finding that out and then losing the one a few weeks later. As you know, we then got a job in Nevada and moved all within 3 weeks. Living away from our family during this pregnancy again has been a huge exercise of our faith in our Heavenly Father's plan for us.

We are so excited to meet our Brooklyn. Pictures and birth story coming soon!!!


jess said...

That is so perfect. I hope you know we all are supporting you, even if it's far away. Love you so much!

TPCANLZ said...

We are super excited and cant wait to see pictures and even better meet her! Best wishes!

Missionary Momma said...

I love 'sneaking' into your blog! You are a true inspiration and your Faith is astounding. You are going to be a great mom to both your precious girls..I promise you, the love multiplies in ways you never imagined. Good luck in delivery and yay for another Brooklyn! =)