Nic has a conference he has to attend in Chicago. Sam and I are tagging along. I just wanted to do a post and ask you all if there is anything you recommend doing while we are there. We are staying right downtown, so I am hoping that we won't need a rental car. If you have been there and have done anything fun, please give me your recommendations. We only have 3 days, so I want to make the most of it while we are there. Thanks for any help/advice you have for us!
Fun! What is his conferance for? We were in Chicago over spring break, we went to Navy Peir, that was pretty fun! But the funnest would be to go to a Cubs, or White Sox game while you are there!! I bet you could find some cheap seats! Have FUn!
AWESOME. I don't have anything to say to you, but THAT IS AWESOME... I've always wanted to go there.
Enjoy it baby!
Love ya Ash :)
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