The last month and a half is such a blur! We are slowly adjusting to our life as a family of three. Here are some pictures of what we have done the last 2 weeks.

We had a great time at the Ute Stampede with my family. Sam didn't do too great with the noise at the Rodeo, so we didn't get to stay for the whole thing. Maybe we can go to another rodeo closer to the end of the summer.

We took Sam swimming for the first time, she actually liked it more then I thought she would.

We did our first hike/nature walk with the baby on Legacy Parkway. I think she got a little warm towards the end, but for the most part she did really well. I LOVE my stroller by the way!

Samantha really loves getting baths. She is obviously too big for our bathroom sink here, but she just seems to enjoy being wet. I don't know if you can tell in this picture..but she is losing all of the hair on the top of her head but keeping it all on the sides. She looks like an old man :)