Thursday, August 28, 2014

1st Day of Kindergarten

Sam had a wonderful first day of Kindergarten. She loves her teacher and said she had so much fun at school. We celebrated her first day by going to chuck-a-rama (that's where she chose)

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today I had so much energy and such an urge to clean and accomplish things. I went crazy on my to do list, and with Nic's help, got the nursery set up and got my fall decorations up!

I'm feeling pretty excited to have an actual nursery to bring a baby home to for the first time. We have never been in a permanent place or had room for the baby to have their own room,  but McKenzie will have that!

Baby Shower for McKenzie

My wonderful friends from my ward (Shambray, Mia, and Tera) threw me a beautiful baby shower for McKenzie. It was so fun to celebrate her and feel so excited for her arrival.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Wheeler Farm: Milking Cows

For a year now Sam has been wanting to go back to Wheeler Farm so she could milk a cow. When we told her yesterday that we were finally going to make the trip down to do it she started to cry she was so excited.

She did really well listening to the instructions and even got 2 turns to milk the cow, Bella. She said "her dreams had come true" !

Brooklyn was a little apprehensive, but was willing to sit on Nic's lap and watch.

Since we were that far south we of coarse had to eat at the Black Bear Diner. The food was amazing as always. I wish they had one in Northern Utah!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cedar City Trip

Nic had a conference in Cedar City last week so we tagged along. We had a great quick trip down there. The girls were so good the whole time. They did so great in the car and that made everything so enjoyable.